Fix Bad Sector using Chkdsk
Step #1: The very first step is to close all the programs (if opened). Windows XP cannot repair the bad sectors if the application or any of its file is in use. You can use the system utility called Chkdsk to scan and repair bad sectors.
Step #2: Open Windows Explorer and select the logical drive (the partition) that is to be checked for bad sectors.
Step #3: A window named “Properties” will get opened. Click on the “Tools” tab.
Step #4: Move to the “Error Checking” segment and select click on “Check Now” button.
Step #5: A dialog box named “Check Disk” will appear on screen. If the bad sectors are to be checked and fixed, disable the check box for “Automatically fix file system errors”.
Step #6: Click on “Start” button to initiate the disk checking and fixing process. If any file or application is opened, the Chkdsk will throw an error suggesting if you would like to perform the disk check when the system will start again. Click “Yes” as requirement.
Step #7: When the Chkdsk is done with the job to repair bad sectors of hard drive, it will create a report about the same.
#: Code “0” means no errors were found while scanning and Code “1” means errors were found while disk scanning and they are fixed.
#: If the disk checking process fails, it means there is some other problem with the disk and to protect the database from any kind of loss, it is important that Window backup is created. For Windows XP, there is free utility by Microsoft called NTBackup.
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